
When I get some spare time, I plan on writing a collection of tutorials to hopefully make it easier for newcomers to get into modding. I want to write two major tutorials:

  • Your First UI Mod - which will cover setting up the IDE, hooking into BaseMod, simple Prefix/Postfix/Instrument patches, and very basic rendering
  • UI "Best" Practices - which will serve as an overview of the UI design principles I tend to follow and some thoughts on how/why I structure my recent mods the way I do. I want to cover things like iterating on a design in Inkscape, properly handling resolution scaling, a simple design pattern for composing Widgets, and discuss the logic behind the setup/display method I use to render the graphical pieces of my mods.

Beyond those two major guides, I may include smaller blog-style articles describing problems I've run into and solutions I've come up with to solve them.

Unfortunately, I'm in the process of job hunting at the moment (unemployment helped provide the situation to create these mods, but that was definitely not sustainable and I'm basically out of money/time to continue working on them), so these tutorials will be delayed a bit.